Sunday, November 18, 2012

This is not education; this is obscenity

The Trail of Tears had no redeeming value, least of all was it justified or valuable in any way in imposing Christianity on native people. That is not and has never been a desirable outcome.  People must be free to come to whatever religion - or absence of religion - they wish to embrace.  Abusing people, either through slavery or through actions like this, which is a stain on the history of this country, is not EVER justified by religion, and should not be allowed or taught as legitimate history in any school in the United States.  This is the worst, most obscene kind of incredibly ugly revisionist history.  It is the kind of ignorance promoted by terrible, ill-educated fanatics like Tea Party Theocratic Michele Bachmann and failed Congressional candidate Allen Quist.  These people MUST be defeated in every case in every Local, State and Federal election in every U.S. state and territory.

Shame on Louisiana; they are compounding a terrible episode in U.S. history by adding insult to injury. This is not education; it is bigoted religious propaganda, it is teaching ignorance. SHAME!

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